COVID -19 Updates

By unanimous decision, the TAEA Executive Board and Regional Chairs have decided to cancel the 2020 TAEA REGIONAL SPRING CONFERENCES set to be held in West, Middle and East Tennessee in response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The health and well- being of our members, attendees, and partners has been at the top of our minds these past few weeks as well as the current and future well-being of the association overall. COVID-19 was, and is, an unanticipated, unprecedented, and an ever-changing challenge.

Conference Fees

Due to these cancellations, any registration fees that you have paid can be refunded. This may take a couple of weeks to accomplish. As you know, our organization depends on the funding from these conferences to offer more learning opportunities for our members. If you would like to make your conference fee a donation to TAEA that would be greatly appreciated. Details about your refund will be emailed to you if you registered.

Looking Ahead

We are in the process of planning a Regionally Combined Mini-Conference for this summer. Please look for an email, check our website and social media posts for any updates.

Thank you all for your flexibility in these days. We appreciate the efforts many of you are making to find new ways to promote the arts and reach out to your students. They need art now more than ever before. Keep up the good work, find solutions, share your successful ideas with colleagues and keep thinking creatively! We are in this together and we are here for you.


Melody Weintraub
President, Tennessee Art Education Association Middle School Art Teacher